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Career Story

A generic bullet-point CV makes it harder to land the job you want

Yes, your CV is more than just a list of jobs (and don't get me started on bullet-pointitis!) - it's a chance to share your unique story and stop making it resemble a job spec.

I've built this programme to help marketers like you craft a compelling career story that lands more interviews. Follow this step-by-step process as we work together in a very short space of time to develop a profile that captures the recruiters' attention in this busy job market. 

  • Learn what makes a strong story and the pitfalls to avoid on a CV
  • Learn how to make your CV uniquely yours, and not generic
  • Increase your confidence when talking about yourself, your achievements, challenges and goals
  • Craft a CV that is easy to read and memorable
  • Be excited about the whole process!
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