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Get instant access to leadership development for marketers

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Lead more confidently without sacrificing who you are

Discover how quickly you can boost your confidence and get on-the-marketing-job impact with tailored bite-sized practices

What's stopping you from making an impact?

Here at UPON, we understand what it's like to work in marketing.

You're a passionate marketer who's become bogged down by countless project requests, back-to-back meetings, managing 1000 stakeholders, and internal politics. I know you rarely have a minute for yourself during the workday, let alone time to focus on your own growth and development.

Will you ever get that promotion if you can't make space to build the right skills and visibility? I know you don’t want to watch your colleagues pass you by for bigger roles because you spread yourself too thin. 

But what if this year that changed, and you invested in leadership mentoring created just for passionate yet overwhelmed marketers like you?

The UPON membership offers a unique blend of learning, regular skill practice and community support to guide you through every step of your leadership growth as a marketer.

Created by a marketer, for marketers. 

image of a marketing leader Emma

Emma's Story

The hurdle: saying yes way too often, leading to an overwhelming workload & not enough time for her team.

The goal: being able to say no more often without becoming unfriendly.

The how: In just 2 months as a UPON beta tester, Emma's attended our first masterclass on this very topic, and took on 3 challenges to apply the technique in various practical ways. She was really engaged with other beta testers, sharing her progress and supporting other members too. 

The results: Emma has found saying no "more natural than [she] thought it'd be, using the technique shared in the masterclass and hearing from other marketers in the same situation relaly helped." She can see how being more assertive doesn't mean being uncollaborative 

"I have said no in 2 really important situations, and I have seen first hand the difference it's made to my team feeling supported, and the sales team has backed off a bit more now, which means less tension between them. It's amazing to see the ripple effects!"


Imagine having an unbiased, trusted leadership coach in your corner whenever work gets overwhelming → no more feeling alone in navigating stakeholder demands, tough decisions, or big projects.

Picture having confident, genuine conversations with other passionate marketing leaders who can relate to your experiences completely.  → together we lift each other up.

See yourself showing up to challenging meetings full of well-honed influential skills → ready to shape strategic direction, you present with calm self-assurance.

Watch inner criticism and self-doubt diminish as leadership wisdom grows  you know promotion readiness when you feel it - and see it reflected in the eyes of the senior executives who now grasp your value & potential.

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Get instant access to leadership development for marketers

I want to be a member!

My specialty is you. Marketing leadership.


With 18+ years of marketing & leadership experience from major FMCG companies like Unilever, Colgate, Henkel, Reckitt and Lindt, I understand the hurdles marketers face everyday. I am part of that tribe. 

Struggling to find time to grow & develop? 

No wonder....when you navigate through the good, the bad and the ugly of leadership, the constant pressures of annual planning, senior stakeholders, market share targets, more innovation pipeline, on/off relationship with agencies, challenging cross-functional team and so on, let alone finding the time for our growth and development !

UPON is now here for you.

Because I wish something like this existed 15 years ago when I was an SBM in an FMCG organisation, struggling with confidence, getting overlooked for a promotion and trying to find my voice as a leader.

I transform all my 20 years of marketing leadership knowedge and coaching skills into on-the-job impact for you. 

You don't have much L&D support? Only getting a yearly get-and-forget leadership training? Google and YouTube haven't managed to help?

The search is over. You're in the right place, my marketing friend!

The UPON community will:

  • Give you the confidence to find a comfortable leadership style
  • Increase your self-awareness and personal understanding
  • Help you establigh a manageable development plan to upskill
  • Help you to develop new helpful habits which will impact your leadership mark
  • Support you every step of the way - you're not alone on this journey of growth and development
  • Give you leadership insights, techniques and tips relevant to your marketing role
  • Allow you to connect with motivated marketing peers
  • Provides the supportive community to grow on your schedule 
  • Provide you with interactive sessions, tips and challenges every month for practical application!
UPON community on multiple screen types

Here is what you'll get from UPON:


  • Monthly masterclass on key leadership aspects
  • Live Q&As to get my expertise on your leadership/challenges questions every 2 weeks
  • Share insights and connect with marketing peers from diverse industries worldwide
  • Possible group workshops to reinforce skills
  • Actionable tips, super useful templates, and my best frameworks
  • I set challenges every month to encourage you to try & experiement
  • Recordings of masterclasses & live Q&As available for rewatch

UPONers put learnings into practice and share their progress back with the community. There's a real motivation from seeing other members' wins and  understanding their challenges.

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Join as an individual or sign your team up!

Monthly Membership


billed monthly

  • Access to the live community
  • Access to all masterclasses / group workshops
  • Q&A sessions with me
  • Monthly challenges to practice
  • Actionable tips, useful templates, and my best frameworks
  • Online meet-ups with UPONers
  • Space to chat, share and build connections with marketing peers
Become a member

6-month Membership


billed every 6 months

  • Access to the live community
  • Access to all masterclasses / group workshops
  • Q&A sessions with me
  • Monthly challenges to practice
  • Actionable tips, useful templates, and my best frameworks
  • Online meet-ups with UPONers
  • Space to chat, share and build connections with marketing peers

Bonus: access to my signature leadership course  for marketers offered!

Become a member

Annual Membership


billed annually

  • Access to the live community
  • Access to all masterclasses / group workshops
  • Q&A sessions with me
  • Monthly challenges to practice
  • Actionable tips, useful templates, and my best frameworks
  • Online meet-ups with UPONers
  • Space to chat, share and build connections with marketing peers

Bonus: access to my signature leadership course  for marketers offered!

Bonus: 1h coaching offered! (worth £120)

Become a member
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Get instant access to leadership development for marketers

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Get instant access to leadership development for marketers

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