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You are not the consumer: 5 tips to battle the frustrating "sample of one" decision making

assertiveness communication influencing presentation senior leadership Apr 30, 2024
thumb down sample of 1 decision making

As marketers, we've all been there - presenting a well-researched product or campaign idea, only to be met with dismissive comments like:

  • "My wife didn't understand the concept!" 
  • "My kid didn't like the packaging colour..."

These "sample of 1" opinions (some call them n=1) can be incredibly frustrating, especially when they come from senior leaders whose personal biases threaten to derail months of very rigorous (and painflu at times!) consumer research.

The core issue here is the amalgam of anecdotal experience with actual market data.

A leader's family members, no matter how well intentioned, simply cannot stand in for a brand's target consumer base. Their singular perspectives are inevitably coloured by personal tastes, demographics, and mindsets that may be completely separated from those of the consumers the product or campaign needs to appeal to.

For younger, less experienced marketers, pushing back against this kind of subjective decision-making can be extremely difficult! Especially when the "sample of 1" opinion comes from a senior leader they're expected to defer to.

Making choices based on isolated personal reactions rather than true (and robust) insights can be disastrous for a brand.

The impact of relying on a sample of 1 extends far beyond just product design , packaging colour or flavour choices. It can undermine years of careful brand building, alienate loyal consumers, and cause a company to completely miss shifting consumer needs and cultural currents. And it sends a clear message that marketing expertise is undervalued compared to the personal whims of individuals far removed from the customer reality.

So how can marketers fight back against the "sample of 1"?

Here are my 5 tips:

Tip 1: do lead with data.

Come armed with compelling market research data, consumer insights, and performance metrics that clearly demonstrate why your recommendations are grounded in reality rather than assumptions. Showcase the robustness of our data based on the size of the sample. 

Tip 2: acknowledge personal input.

I know that'll sting. But do acknowledge it, then pivot. A simple "Thanks for sharing that perspective" can validate the sample of 1 before refocusing on factual consumer feedback.

Tip 3: use examples!

Remind these leaders of past brand failures caused by relying too heavily on individuals' personal tastes over research. All brands have cases of failures stemming from poorly informed decisions. Ask your colleagues!

Tip 4: suggest focus groups.

If the leader insists their opinion matters, propose forming a panel that better represents the actual consumer base, to gather feedbacks. Best, highlight the fact that this can be used to strengthen sell-in decks that will need to influence retailers. Retailers need robust data when considering listing your product/running your campaign.

Tip 5: if all else fails, respectfully escalate.

In some cases, you may need to tactfully loop in other decision makers who appreciate research over individual biases. In the corporate world, using your circles of influence is part of your marketing strategy. We can't fight wars on our own. Use ammunitions you have around you.

Ultimately, the "sample of 1" mindset represents a critical failure from leadership undermining the consumer-centric role and expertise brought by the marketers.

We are the guardians of the consumer reality, we meticulously study and understand their behaviours, preferences and purchase drivers through in-depth researchesr than making choices based on personal preferences alone. Defending this skill from personal biases and anecdotes is really essential to ensure the long-term health of any brand.

Rant over!

If you want more support, remember you can book a free 30min call with me. The choice is yours.

Speak soon,


Turning point for overwhelmed marketing leaders seeking confidence and fulfilment • Coach | Mentor | Workshop Facilitator | UPON Community Founder

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