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Warning, common leader pitfalls!

growth leader personal development pitfalls self-awareness Jul 05, 2023
marketing leadership leader manager brand marketer leading management growth self-development self-awareness strengths confidence skills empathy emotional intelligence people-pleaser people-pleasing

What if I told you that you have a hidden enemy in your mind? An enemy that can sabotage your thinking and decision making as a leader. An enemy that can make you lose sight of reality, miss opportunities, and damage your reputation…eek, right?

This enemy is called a mind trap. And it’s not just one, but 6 of them. They are:

  • The people pleaser: You say yes to everyone and everything, even if it means betraying your own values and goals.
  • The blamer: You point fingers at others for your failures, instead of owning up to your mistakes and learning from them.
  • The micro-manager: You control every aspect of your work and your team, creating stress and inefficiency for yourself and others.
  • The first impressionist: You judge people and situations based on your gut feelings, and you refuse to change your mind even when new facts prove you wrong.
  • The monday morning quarterback: You criticize yourself and others harshly based on hindsight, ignoring the complexity and uncertainty of the real world.
  • The spin doctor: You twist information and facts to fit your agenda, and you reject any feedback that challenges your views.

These mind traps can ruin your leadership performance, such as:

  • Lowering your self-confidence and motivation
  • Damaging your relationships and reputation
  • Reducing your creativity and innovation
  • Increasing your stress and anxiety
  • Decreasing your productivity and quality

But don’t worry. There is a way to defeat these mind traps. And it starts with knowing which one is your dominant one.

I also know that over 67% of you, leaders, say the main barrier to development is the lack of time. That’s why I have created a quiz that will reveal your main mind trap and give you some tips on how to overcome it. It doesn’t take much more than 90s. The quiz is short and eye-opening. You can take it by clicking on this link here

What you’ll get is a personalised report with your scores against each mind trap, an explanation for each about how it shows up, what it looks like and 2 tips to manage it!

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Don’t let these mind traps stop you from being the best leader you can be. Take the quiz now and discover how to free yourself from them!

Leading a team? Great. Here’s a way to increase their self and social awareness to be better collaborative team players!

Get the coach in 💡Equally, I do run sessions like this for group of emerging leaders, I plan a session tailored to your needs & objectives, and bring all my FMCG experience into the design of it so it’s highly relevant ! A full group coaching power hour!

DIY 💡Equally, you could organise a section in your team next meeting when you share your results and have a really engaging group discussion. I’m happy to provide you with a how-to guide for you to lead it, just DM me!

Speak soon,


FMCG Leadership Coaching

You are your own biggest leadership challenge. I demystify the mechanics of your mindsets at work • 1:1 Coach & Mentor | Group Workshop | Keynote Speaker

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