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Navigating the challenges of a newly formed marketing team

team building team development team growth May 21, 2024
newly formed team

Building a cohesive and high-performing marketing team from the ground up is no easy feat. As a marketing director, you face the daunting task of bringing together a diverse group of individuals, each with their own unique personalities, strengths, and working styles.

The signs

  • Lack of cohesion and collaboration among team members

  • Conflicting opinions and power struggles

  • Unclear roles and responsibilities

  • Inconsistent brand messaging and strategy

The impact

A disjointed marketing team can have severe consequences for your brand and your organisation. Without a clear sense of unity and shared goals, your team's efforts will be fragmented, leading to inefficient use of resources and missed opportunities. Additionally, a lack of cohesion can contribute to a negative workplace culture, making it difficult to attract and retain top marketing talent.

"Team building is a one-time event."

False. Many leaders approach team building as a single event, such as an off-site retreat or a team-building activity. Almost like a reward for a well-earned recognition after a period of heavy work. However, creating a truly cohesive and high-performing team is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and investment.

What can you do?

Don't let the challenges of a newly formed marketing team hold your brand back. Contact me here for a 30min chat. My team-building workshops and group coaching sessions are designed to align your team, establish a shared vision, and empower them to achieve results together.


Speak soon,


Turning point for overwhelmed marketing leaders seeking confidence and fulfilment • Coach | Mentor | Workshop Facilitator | UPON Community Founder

Ps: I have a newsletter I send to marketers every Wednesday 7am with lots more good stuff for marketers - it's free, wanna sign up?

Ps 2: I have free resources you can use for your own development or your team, it's right here

Ps 3: I've got a membership called UPON created by a marketer (me!) for marketers to hone soft skills and build more confidence in how they lead (leading to promotion, influencing stakeholders, setting boundaries and more!). Wanna check it out?

Does this resonate with you? Is it time we jump on a call and discuss what's going on for you? 

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