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How can marketing leaders overcome that feeling of isolation when going up the ranks?

career coaching leadership support Apr 23, 2024
woman walking alone on an empty road

How can marketing leaders overcome that feeling of isolation when going up the ranks?

The shock of solitude

As a new marketing leader, the climb up the corporate ladder can feel surprisingly isolating.

One day you're one of the team, sharing inside jokes, collaborating on projects and enjoying the gossips about the leadership team. Quite honestly, when times get tough, you find comfort with your team mates, your colleagues, as mots likely they're all going through the same struggles.

The next day, you're the one calling the shots and making the tough decisions alone. Double eeek. The loss of friendly shoulders to lean on is one of the biggest shocks to your system. Looking around the leadership table, you suddenly realise you're expected to be "the expert" while previously you could lean on others for support.

3Ps: the poisonous perceived perfection

There's a lonely reality that comes with leadership. One you do not expect, perhaps simply because you've never heard your boss or the higher levels talking about it and sharing how lonely they feel.

The burden of driving strategy, managing upwards with highly demanding executives, and overseeing the performance of your teame can create an isolating sense of having to "figure it all out alone."

If nothing's done about it, this isolation can quickly turn into unhealthy self-doubt and imposter syndrome. As marketing leaders, we're expected to have all the answers, to be assertive and confident decision-makers. But the reality is quite different. As a leadership coach, I get to talk to senior leaders in 1:1 configurations, and I can tell you this much: they don't know everything, they struggle, they are scared to be incompetent and even wondered how they got where they're at today.

The antidote: vulnerability

Leadership is a continuous growth journey. We're all just winging it, doing the best we can. The antidote to isolation? Vulnerability. Openness at key moments.

You have to be strategic with it. Behind closed doors, openly share your uncertainties or fears with a trusted coach outside your company. Having a safe space to work through growing pains is invaluable. It really is.

Additionally, be selectively vulnerable with your team. Share some challenges authentically - it makes you relatable and human. Their confidence in you will grow as a result. When I speak to MDs or VPs, I tell them exactly that. Instead of thinking that their team will find their flaws laughable and lose points, the opposite happens - credibility grows. Read that again. Your credibility will grow when you are vulnerable.

Finally, remember you don't have to have all the answers. Why? Because you simply can't. No one does. Insted, allow your team to step up and collaboratively lead. Leadership was never meant to be a solo journey.

4 tips to fight isolation

1. Establish a coaching relationship with an outside expert who can help you with experienced perspective.

2. Schedule regular team check-ins focused on collaborative strategy, not status updates. That's a big difference.

3. Don't stay in your cubicle or office. Sit with the team, with other departments, move around. You'll build better relationships with people, and you'll definitely enjoy this dynamics. It won't be awkward if you're not awkward about it.

4. Share moments of authentic vulnerability to build relatable trust. Make sure to observe the room, the atmostphere, you'll be able to determine which are the best moments to pick to do so.


If you want more support, remember you can book a free 30min call with me. The choice is yours.

Speak soon,


Turning point for overwhelmed marketing leaders seeking confidence and fulfilment • Coach | Mentor | Workshop Facilitator | UPON Community Founder

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