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Don't ignore it when your team goes beyond

feedback leadership leading managing recognition team Apr 02, 2024
Don't ignore it when they go beyond

As a marketing team leader, you deal with multiple projects, tight deadlines, and constant demands vying for your attention, various competency levels amongst your team members that you need to develop, heads of department with strong views about your brands, the strategy, countless issues to deal with, agency relationships to manage and more...

I very well know that given how many plates you have, it's easy to overlook the importance of recognising your team members' efforts and accomplishments. However, failing to do so can have far-reaching consequences that have negative ripple effects on your team and company, hindering growth and stifling potential.

The reasons behind this neglect

Time constraints, competing priorities, and a lack of awareness often contribute to the lack of recognition within teams. Marketing leaders, overwhelmed by the weight of their responsibilities, may feel that project matters are more pressing, leaving little room for acknowledging individual contributions, especially when what their team members are doing or how they are behaving are simply beyond their normal tasks, duties and responsibilities. Additionally, they may assume that their team members are already aware of their value (aren't we all?! #no) or underestimate the significance of recognition in building a positive and productive work environment. And with that comes motivation, retention, better initiatives, more ideas - which, for a marketing team, is a gold spot to hit.

The risks if you overlook acknowledgment

Neglecting to recognize your team's efforts can have detrimental effects on morale, engagement, and overall performance, as I've just started to highlight. And I do know very well that many marketers really get the ick thinking about being in the spotlight. Acknowledging doesn't mean handing out awards on a stage with a speech necessarily, there are many ways that are totally acceptable, low-key enough to make everyone comfortable and yet, very powerful in the time taken appreciate efforts. I mean, even team members who prefer to avoid the spotlight can benefit from positive affirmations during team meetings or informal gatherings. Recognition not only boosts confidence and self-esteem but also creates a sense of belonging and appreciation within the brand team dynamic. And as a leader, when you have that, you're in a really good position (ask marketing directors who have to deal with a difficult relationship with their team and they'll tell you)

Moreover, marketing leaders may find themselves uncomfortable to provide comprehensive feedback during annual reviews or performance evaluations. Without a clear understanding of their team members' day-to-day contributions, marketing leaders miss out on valuable insights and opportunities to celebrate successes, identify areas for growth, and tailor their coaching and development strategies to individual needs.

Here are a few simple and effective ways to do it

Implementing a culture of recognition within your brand team doesn't have to be a time-consuming or costly thing. In fact, simple yet impactful strategies can go a long way in creating an environment where hard work, exceptional behaviour and great performance are celebrated and encouraged.

Level 1: peer recognition

Encourage team members to actively identify and acknowledge colleagues, both within their own immediate team and across cross-functional teams or departments, who have gone above and beyond. This not only promotes a supportive and collaborative environment but also provides the managers of these celebrated colleagues with a broader perspective on individual contributions that may otherwise go unnoticed.

Level 2: team meeting shout-outs.

Dedicate a portion of your monthly team meetings to celebrating achievements and recognising great behaviors or actions, especially those that go beyond the scope of expected marketing responsibilities. This public acknowledgment not only boosts morale but also serves as a powerful motivator for others to strive for excellence. You most likely have a mix of more junior members and more experienced members in your team, let it be a way to learn from each other by sharing examples.

Caviat to this: do make sure there is fairness in the number of times people are acknowledged. Some people may be naturally more expressive and visible than others, it DOESN'T MEAN that they are necessarily doing more than the quiter ones. So the brief to the team is to really use their eyes and ears and be observant of everyone to really be inclusive in this approach.

Level 3: cross-functional kudos.

When an employee receives recognition from someone outside their immediate team or department, make sure to share that praise with the individual AND their manager. The positive "halo effect" of an unexpected external recognition can be a powerful motivator and create a sense of pride and accomplishment that goes beyond departmental boundaries.

Level 4: personalised notes or emails

Take a few moments to craft a personalised note or email to team members, highlighting specific achievements or behaviours that you've observed and appreciated. This simple gesture can have a profound impact, making individuals feel valued and understood. This is a feedback I especially consciously give to Marketing Directors, CMOs and VPs as they tend to assume that their team members know they are awesome and doing great stuff, and yet, they don't. And a simple email from these top guys, that isn't about the deadline approaching, a board meeting in the corner, or requests based on the lastest AC Nielsen report, goes a long way. One sentence, taking the time, highlighting the thing that they did so well and you were impressed with. And a final encouragement for continuing to be a great example of leadership. Boom. Extra points. Engagement. Retention. Respect. Trust.


By implementing these simple yet effective strategies, you'll not only cultivate a positive and engaged team but also gain invaluable insights into the outstanding work happening within your brand team but also within the company. Recognition is a powerful tool that can unlock your team's full potential, create a healthy level of confidence amongst your brand people, and contribute to long-term success and growth.

Speak soon,


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