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Being likeable is within your control!

attitude behaviours communication emotional intelligence listening Jan 31, 2024
frowning lady title being likeable is within your control

Likeability is not just a metric for your brands, it's yours too.

Likeable people are unique and bring out the best in everyone around them. Can you think of one person in the office that's likeable?

In the working environment, research has shown that managers were more likely to accept an argument with no supporting eivdence from someone who was likeable. Just 1 in 2000 unlikeable leaders were considered effective, this  University of Massachusetss study revealed...

In this week's newsletter for marketers, here are a few to add to your habit repertoire if you want to increase your share of likeability (and influence your manager to give you more marketing budget ;))

  • Ask a lot of questions.

People like to know we're listening. Asking a  clarifying question or questions to go further in the topic shows you're not only listening but you care about what they say. Hello increased respect and appreciation! 


  • Use people's name when you say hello to them.

"Heya.....", "oh hey, how are you?" versus "Hey Mags, how's your morning going?" simply sounds different. Our name is a key part of our identity. Have you ever been shocked at what the Starbucks barrista called you on the cup? (btw I'm usually Max or Meg for them). People feel validated when you refer to them by their name in a conversation. Try it in the next boardroom meeting. You'll see how it even brings the tension down.


  • Smile.

Yes, because other people do mirror your body language. Unconsciously. Smile slightly in a conversation and you'll probably see them return the favour and feeling good. Scientifically speaking, it releases mood-enhancing endorphins and serotonin. Brand Review presentations would go so much better with a higher dose of these!


  • Don't seek attention.

No need to become extroverted to be likeable. Simply be friendly and considerate to win over people's minds and hearts. Speaking concisely, in a friendly and confident manner make people more attentive, persuadable than if you try to show you're important. 


  • Focus more on them than on yourself.

Otherwise you'll never be able to understand what makes them tick, and how they want to be treated. 


As marketers, we get to talk to so many departments, agencies, consumers, people personalities. Being able to up our likeability in various circumstances is a great leadership skill to hone.


Which one would you like to focus on in the next few weeks?


Speak soon,




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